As a young girl walking along a country road to school in Grey County, Ontario, she dreamed of teaching children like her sisters and their friends. Family, classmates, and neighbours knew Aggie as a determined, clever, fair-minded girl who spoke her mind.
None of them knew that, one day, the people of her community would elect her, Agnes Macphail, Canada’s first woman Member of Parliament.
by Donna Mann
“There’ll be lots of storms in life, you just have to pick the ones you’re going to venture into,” Grandma Campbell told her.
Aggie’s Storms takes readers back to 1900, when ten-year-old Aggie lived in a log cabin in the Queen’s Bush. Follow her schooldays at SS #4, Proton Township, her work in the family’s garden and home, and her challenges as a girl with a dream. The author of two books for adults and many articles in newspapers, Donna Mann has led the movement to mark sites important in the life of Agnes Macphail.
136 pages, softcover, full-colour cover
$15.00 in Canada
ISBN 978-1-896922-37-9